The locals are extremely friendly and the beer was very cold :)
A few of favorites things were:
Stingray sandbar

Turtle Farm

Watching sharks get fed

Eating Turtle.. (yes we ate it)
Eating all the yummy food
and the Cayman Colada .. Wow it was yummy

A few things I feared
Fish in the water
The little Crabs that ran all over the beach at night and I couldn't see... until a flash of light would reveal them to me..
And going to Hell
Okay so let"s talk about Sting Ray City! it's a huge sandbar off the coast where for a small fee you can charter a boat and swim with these creatures..... They are slippery! They also say that it's seven years of good luck for kissing one.... I had to try it... The only thing we were warned not to do was step on them.... that could scare them and cause them to sting you ... I was frozen for the first few minutes scared to move my feet... scared I would get stung.. and trust me the stinger is big...
Oh and something else to mention: eating a piece of turtle meat.... Tastes like beef :)
so as I stated above we stopped quickly in Hell.... Check out these pics..